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PC Training & Business College

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Establishment Write-Up

PC Training & Business College

Its vision is “To be a world-class academic Institution in Business, as well as Media, Information and Communications Technology, ensuring incremental quality improvements in Education and Training practices”.

Its mission is “To facilitate high quality teaching and learning, promoting research and engaging the community through innovative Business practices as well as Media, Information and Communications Technology, to achieve increased employment, entrepreneurial opportunities and transformation”.

PC Training and Business College (Pty) Ltd, (PCT&BC) operates Higher Education & Further Education campuses located across major cities and rural sectors in South Africa. Higher Education Programmes are offered at Higher Certificate, Advanced Certificate, Diploma and Degree levels in the Faculties of Information and Communications Technology and Business, Economics and Management Sciences. PCT&BC has a proud track record of twenty two years in operation & 30 accredited Higher Education sites with over 150 000 learners having completed a range of programmes over this period.

Further qualifications include SETA programmes from FASSET, Services SETA and ISETT SETA. Associated companies offer programmes from ETDP SETA, THETHA and others. NCV qualifications are also being piloted at certain accredited sites. The Institution also offers a range of skills programmes and learnerships, which are unit standards based. The Institution has also been selected by Umalusi for piloting “full accreditation” for its FET sites.

PC Training & Business College has made significant progress in a number of critical strategic initiatives which position the Institution for future growth. The Institution has made momentous improvements in the areas of Quality Assurance, staffing, infrastructure, library resources and capacity development.


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PC Training & Business College
South Africa
0861 321 321

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