World Diabetes Day November 2014

World Diabetes Day November 2014

The theme for World Diabetes day 2014 is “Healthy Living and Diabetes” so we are all about encouraging a healthy diet and lifestyle for you and your family.

It’s so easy to eat unhealthily with the everyday demands of life, a busy schedule filled with family responsibilities and work are definitely marked as the most demanding. The other major reason is connected to the income structure of many families. At most these families do not choose the healthiest foods when they go shopping; they choose the cheaper food items that can sustain them for longer periods.

The two main lifestyle changes that need to be implemented to tackle a diabetes free house hold has to be a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Some of the symptoms for Diabetes are contained below to provide you with an idea of what not to expect.

  • Weight gain
  • Frequent urination
  • Disproportionate thirst
  • Intense hunger
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Blurred vision
  • Gums are red or swollen

This day has special significance to all the diabetes patients around the world, it gives them a sense of empowerment and allows them to feel acknowledged. By acknowledging this day, we are connecting as a world to create awareness about a disease that is mostly hidden under the radar but holds a high ranking in fatality. Since there is no recorded cure for this disease it is important to take heed of the measures that you can implement into your lifestyle to prevent becoming a victim. Read about Diabetes in Durban.

Watch out for some of our featured healthy snacks that you can make for you and your family and change the way you look at eating and living healthy.

Thanks Altius directory for the information.


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